November aka NaNoWriMo

This November, I'm going to try the 'nothing ventured, nothing gained' approach to writing, and join in the chaos that is 'National Novel Writing Month', which is also known as NaNoWriMo.

Yes, this is an American idea, but I love the idea of having a goal that thousands of other people will be striving for as well - everyone who achieves 50,000 words between 1-30 November gets declared a winner!

And to add to the fun, I've decided that I want to try a writing program. Scrivener and Storyist are two of such programs, both unfortunately for the Mac (at least until Scrivener releases a Windows version in 2011), and so I'm going to use Piete's old Mac to try out Scrivener.

Who knows if I'll actually make it to 50,000 words, but I like challenges, so wish me luck!


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