Recent Reads: Bobiverse book series by Dennis E Taylor review
This is a sci-fi trilogy about Bob, who had himself cryogenically frozen at death, and wakes up a century later there has been some changes to laws, and he (and any other cryogenically person) has been given to a company for research purposes. They make him into a probe, to go out into the universe, and find other homes for humanity, as the Earth is becoming uninhabitable due to global warming.
And from now on, there's going to be some spoilers - and they'll be as few and as generic as I can make them!
Multiple countries are doing this, with some of them teaming up, and so there is a race to get out into space to try to get the best place.
Bob heads off into space, and as the first books title 'We are Legion (We are Bob)' hints, he starts need extra help, and so decides to replicate himself.
The second book is 'For We Are Many', and the third book is 'All These Worlds'.
It's a really well written sci-fi series, looking at the idea of immortality, humanity, alienation, responsibility, and what would happen in meeting aliens, both the friendly, and not so friendly! I would highly recommend this trilogy!
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If you're interested in seeing what else I've read, then have a look at my GoodReads profile!
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