Recent Reads: The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll

My review: 🌟🌟🌟🌟

The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll is from the inventor of the bullet journal system, and so it goes into the background of how he came up with the system in the first place.  

It's a really interesting read, and tells you about how it's evolved with Ryder Carroll, and then when he let it loose into the world, how it's evolved with others.

If you're new to bullet journalling, then this has a very good way of setting you up, and giving you insight into why certain things are done.

I've been a fan of bullet journals for a while now, and so consider this post one in a series on bullet journals and other organising tools.

The Bullet Journal Method was published on 23rd October 2018,  and is available to buy on Amazon  and on Waterstones.  I've found a link to where you can search for local bookshops, including independent!

You can follow Ryder Carroll on Twitter, or through his website.

I was given this book for free in return for an unbiased review, so my thanks to NetGalley and to HarperCollins UK (the publishers) for this book.

Check out my GoodReads profile to see more reviews!


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