My favourite books read in 2015 so far

I read a lot, and I'm quite a fast reader normally, but this year has been so busy that I've not read anywhere near the normal amount,  but some of the books I've read this year have been amazing, and so I thought I'd share them!

I'm steering clear of ones that are in the middle of series, because that's useless to someone who hasn't read the series to date, and I know a lot of people are intimidated by the idea of reading a lot of books in a series, so let's just skip those!

I'm part of the Sword and Laser bookclub, which reads one book a month, and it's discussed on their podcast, and also on the forums on GoodReads.

This year, we've read the following books, which I've thought were brilliant!

The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison - best described as court intrigue, and so well written!

City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett  - gods have been killed, and the country is trying to recover after various miracles no longer work.

Uprooted by Naomi Novik - the Dragon, Lord of the land, takes a girl every ten years to be his servant, but this time there's a couple of changes.

Previously, Sword and Laser have read Ready Player One by Ernie Cline, but I was lent the book this year, and enjoyed it so much!  I'm a little reluctant to try Armada, Ernie Cline's latest, as I've heard it's not as good, but I might bite the bullet in time!

And on the same lines, Trigger Warning by Neil Gaiman (of whom I'm a bit of a fangirl!) and Shades of Milk and Honey by Mary Robinette Kowal, which is Regency romance, but with a magical twist, and I shall be looking for more of her books!

I really enjoy the Freakonomics podcast, and their 3 books (FreakonomicsSuperfreakonomics and Think Like a Freak)  have also been really fascinating, although you can read basically the transcript of a podcast episode in some of the chapters, so you have been warned!

Yes Please by Amy Poehler was an impulse pickup at the library, and was so good!  I'm now trying Parks and Recreation, because I want to keep her around somehow!  You need to read her book, and have youtube on standby to go and search for the various standup sketches! My favourites have to be the award ceremony hijinks though!   Beauty PageantGeorge Cloony and of course Bono.

There's still a lot of 2015 left, so I might still come across something that blows everything out of the water!  What's yours been?


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