Splendette bangles

My clothing style has changed on the last couple of years, and I have gone away from wearing jeans with a geeky t-shirt, and have moved on to wearing pretty dresses in 1950s style. I've found that they make me feel more confident and pretty.

Became this style isn't what you would find in the shops, and isn't the typical style that you see celebrities wearing (obviously excepting Dita von Teese), and so I started to find women on Instagram who dress in this same vintage style way, with Miss Victory Violet being one. She wears amazing dresses (that suit her amazingly small waist), has her hair in the 1950s style, make up, nails and jewellery!

And jewellery is what I wanted to tell you about today! Bangles in fact!

I have quite large hands, and so normal bangles have always been a struggle to get on.  Some fit, others just wouldn't, and so it's one of those things that I have accepted, that bangles aren't a thing I can wear.  That was until I discovered Splendette, who do larger sized bangles, that they term 'Duchess'.  They also do standard sized, and small, with the small size being called 'Maiden'.  The names really appeal to me!

The standard size has the most options, and the Duchess and Maiden have some of what I would guess are the most popular!

I really like the glitter ones as the one I have is green but has some golden sparkles, some that almost look blue, and lots of green!  It is really lovely!

The white one is carved, and I found I wore it a lot in the summer, and last but not least is the flower one, which is lovely and delicate looking. And yes, I have lots of freckles!

I'm afraid none of these are currently available on the Splendette website, but that is because there is a new collection being released on Friday!

I tried on the bangles today in order to take these photos, and discovered that they're now a bit too big for me, and that the one standard bangle I had bought in the sale, to check the size, can now fit on my right hand.  This is both great news, and awful news.  Awful because it means that the lovely ones I have currently slip off, and great because I get to go shopping for new ones!

So, yes, if you'll excuse me, I need to go and do a little shopping!


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