Recent Reads: An Edited Life: Simple Steps to Streamlining Your Life, at Work and at Home by Anna Newton

My review: 🌟🌟🌟🌟

An Edited Life: Simple Steps to Streamlining Your Life, at Work and at Home by Anna Newton, and is full of lists and ideas for how to make life easier for you, with suggestions for how to easily arrange to see friends with Doodle.  You could also use it for meetings!

I found this to be an easy read, as I was curious about what Anna Newton does, but also because I've been reading this type of life style guides for years, and enjoy finding new ideas like Doodle, and having it reinforced that you should buy one thing that is expensive, and will last, than five things that aren't.

It's full of life hacks, and suggestions, so if you need some life help, this is a good book to read!

An Edited Life was published on 10th January 2019,  and is available to buy on Amazon  and on Waterstones.  I've found a link to where you can search for local bookshops, including independent!

You can follow Anna Newton on Twitter, or through her website.  I follow her on Instagram, and she also has a YouTube channel, where she talks about capsule wardrobes, skincare, beauty, and vlogs!

If you're interested in other self help books, then here's some others I've reviewed:

Hinch yourself happy by Mrs Hinch πŸŒŸπŸŒŸπŸŒŸπŸŒŸ

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