Recent films: Christmas Break-in (30th December)

My rating: 🔔🔔🔔

I hadn't heard anything about Christmas Break-in, but I spotted it on Netflix, and when I saw it had Danny Glover in it, I was sold!

Izzy is 9 years old, and her parents are a little distracted when trying to remember things for her, such as 3 dance recitals they missed.  Her elder brother tries to step in to help out, and is also exasperated at their parents uselessness.  Izzy has a way of reminding them about things which involves writing on them in permanent marker.

It's the last day of school before Christmas, and Izzy's guitar teacher / janitor (yes, Danny Glover!) feels like the only other person who cares about Izzy other than her brother.  

Into the mix, we have 3 robbers who have stolen coins from the Salvation Army store the night before.  

It's very much like Home Alone!  There's hijinks, and slapstick comedy.  It's a family film, and was entertaining and cheesy, complete with Nick, a delivery driver for North Pole deliveries.  


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