Recent films: The knight before Christmas (16th December)

My rating: 🔔🔔

The Knight before Christmas is a Netflix special, with Vanessa Hudgens.

Sir Cole meets a witch in the woods, and gets transported to the present, where he appears in a Christmas village, and manages to stumble into the road.

Brooke is a high school science teacher, who hits Sir Cole with her car as he appears in the road.  She feels so guilty, she goes to the hospital with him, and when he insists he's a medieval knight, she takes him home to recover.  This is the beginning of my problems with this film!

There were moments where I was just sitting watching the film, and thinking 'why?'.  

It was an ok film, but jerked me out of suspension of disbelief too many times, so not a film that I would recommend, unless you need to watch it so you can talk to people about it!


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